Commemorative Giving
The Bainbridge History Museum offers unique giving opportunities designed to celebrate a loved one or a special friend while providing support to sustain the Museum’s mission. Tribute gifts of any amount are always welcome and we are incredibly honored to receive these donations by family and friends of someone who cared about the Historical Museum.
Memorial Donations
Gifts of any amount can be made in honor or in memory of an individual or a group. Memorial donations are a popular way to make a thoughtful gift, while demonstrating your support of the Museum. In response to each contribution, a letter of acknowledgement will be sent to the family of the honoree notifying them of your gift.
On Site Recognition
With a gift of $5,000 you may dedicate a plaque with a custom message in honor of your loved one. Plaques may appear on a selected tree, outside element, seat, or bench. For more information about on site recognition, please contact Director of Philanthropy Jessica Perkins.
Volunteer Recognition
Volunteers are the heart of the Museum. Their dedication to our mission and to helping our visitors is unparalleled. With a gift of $1,000 or more, you may honor a volunteer by adding their name to our dedication in the research library.
Note: The Historical Museum may need to relocate the selected recognition element to accommodate changes to the ground and a proposed Museum Expansion in the future. If that project comes to fruition, our Historical Museum staff will reach out to you and your family to discuss relocation or alternative commemorative options.
FAQ For On Site Recognition
In working with a BHM staff member, you can explore several options. Recognition options may include a tree dedication, outdoor planting, or a plaque on an outdoor bench.
Honoring a loved one with on-site recognition currently costs $5,000.
Payments may be made by credit card, cash, check, or IRA.
No, your “purchase” is actually a donation to the History Museum.
Yes, a donation is tax deductible to the extent of the law. Once payment is received, we will provide you with a tax acknowledgment for your records.
The term of a dedicated element lasts 5 years. After 5 years, you or a designated contact that we have on file, will be contacted to discuss renewing or ending the term. If you would like the term of the element to be longer than 5 years, you are welcome to purchase more than one term up front.
The Bainbridge History Museum will assume responsibility for regular maintenance and care over the designated term of the agreement.
We are happy to work with you to accommodate a small group of family members to dedicate your on-site recognition element.